The 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing Public Affairs is focused on delivering truthful, credible, accurate and timely information to key audiences in order to enhance their understanding and appreciation for Air Force capabilities and contributions to national security, while maintaining due regard for privacy and communication security. 


Strategic counsel, operational planning, and tactical execution of communication as a function of the Air Force mission, joint combat operations, and national security objectives.
Visual Information (VI) production, publishing and archiving. VI is information in the form of visual representations of persons, places, and/or things. VI professionals create, develop record, assemble, and enhance visual and audio data into meaningful information. VI includes still photography, motion photography, audio, video, computer-based products, and graphics.
Public Affairs provides support, guidance, and facilitation between 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing members and the media. This can be in the form of tv, radio, newspaper, or online platform interviews about the member (personal life or professional life). Communication between service members and the media is often one of the most rapid and credible means of delivering the commander's message. Remaining open, honest, and accessible to the maximum extent possible results in greater accuracy, context, and timeliness in communicating with internal and external audiences. We coordinate with local, regional, national, and international news media and respond to media queries, arrange interviews and coordinate other activities to enhance the relationships with members of the press. 

Public Affairs also provides members with media training before interactions with the media. Any and all interactions with media should be coordinated and reported to Public Affairs to ensure compliance with AFI and OPSEC regulations.   

Public Affairs is the primary office to coordinate interactions between the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing and the local Fort Walton Beach community and beyond. Building partnerships with our local communities helps to strengthen our ties and educate communities about the mission of the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing. 

Security and Policy Review

Public Affairs is the primary office to coordinate security and policy reviews for all photography and videography taken involving wing members, work stations, or assets. Other items required to be reviewed by Public Affairs includes speeches, presentations, papers, articles, journal submissions, and any other form of media or information pertaining to the Department of Defense intended to be released to a non-federal entity and/or a publicly accessible web site. Products requested for release may require review from other base agencies and higher levels of command. Our goal is to ensure maximum disclosure, minimum delay.


Public Affairs Request Form (AF Form 833)
Please use the above link to access the request form for Public Affairs. Once you have completed the form, please send to: 350SWW.PA.PublicAffairs@us.af.mil. 


1310 Nomad Way, Rm 218, Eglin AFB, FL
Office Phone: 850-882-9214/850-882-9223
Email: 350SWW.PA.PublicAffairs@us.af.mil