Crows bring home DAF-level EW awards

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Ericka A. Woolever and Captain Benjmain Aronson
  • 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing

In the highly anticipated CY 2022 DAF Electromagnetic Warfare Annual Awards Program (EWAAP) Selection Board, an evaluation of 47 exceptional nominations took place. Among tough competition, three outstanding individuals from the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing (350th SWW) stood as winners: Mr. Joel A. Rodriguez, Mr. Alexander L. Acord, and Maj. Seth J. Brown.

The DAF EWAAP is held once a year and recognizes individuals and units’ efforts that further Electronic Warfare (EW) operations contributed to advances in the Air Force and throughout the Department of Defense.

“Being recognized at the Air Force level is a huge accomplishment and our Crows earned it,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Josh Koslov, 350th SWW commander. “They directly advanced the capabilities available to our warfighters and further strengthened our force’s ability to wage Electronic Warfare.”

The winners distinguished themselves by developing processes that provide timely, accurate and survivable EW reprogramming data to the warfighter, increasing survivability for the U.S. and its allies. Their efforts supported mission areas such as F-35 reprogramming, EW target identification and radar warning receiver capabilities.

Although these winners distinguished themselves by numerous accomplishments, there were specific accomplishments that drove their determination. 

“My proudest accomplishment over the last year has been helping to build and shape the Air Force’s newest EW wing, said U.S. Air Force Maj. Seth J. Brown, 350th SWW chief of current operations. “It’s a huge undertaking that has taken a lot of hard work from people of various backgrounds. Each small objective that I have been able to check off has been one more brick added to the foundation of the future of Air Force Electronic Warfare. I’m humbled and appreciative to have been selected for this prestigious award.”

Alongside the winners stood a team of members that cultivated an environment where all Crows can reach their full potential.

“I am surrounded by amazing, wonderful people that leave me in awe of their hard work towards the mission,” said Alexander L. Acord, 453d Electronic Warfare Squadron electronics engineer. “Knowing I am side-by-side everyone in this team contributing to such an important mission, keeps me giving my all. I believe this mission makes a huge difference to ensure all the brave men and women fighting to keep our country safe have the best chance to come home.”

This series of award winners adds to the growing list of major awards earned by wing members in the past year to include the Black Engineer of the Year Award, Association of Old Crow Awards by multiple individuals and a team, John L. Levitow award and DAF-level program selections.

For more information on career opportunities at the 350th SWW and dominate the spectrum, please check out,, and